01 January 2009

A New Day

So, on Tuesday, I had a doctor's appointment to further my education in diabetes and how to treat it. Gratefully, I wasn't put on insulin, but I still need to take medication. My doctor was pretty cool, even for a clinic doc that didn't have to care, but she seemed to. Diet and exercise. That I knew. But how the hell do I do it? What do I watch? What can I still eat? Drink? She set me up with a dietician (that's on January 8) and obviously, she told me I pretty much can't do anything that I used to. Ok. That's kind of obvious, but of course it still kind of sucks. Not so much what I can't eat, because I want to eat better anyway and now I have the ultimate reason. It's the "what can I drink" question that kills me. I drink a lot of water anyway, but my taste buds don't do well with JUST water. But I can't have pop any more (except of course for diet or caffeine free versions) and that will really help with the weight loss. But diet pop is disgusting. Sprite Zero and Diet Squirt are ok, but I can't do diet dark pops...gag. No juice unless it's sugar free (which sucks because I LOVE ORANGE JUICE!) and sugar free juices are hard to find. So yeah, reiteration: I can't have anything.

Ok. Now the calm version of this. I know what I have to do. Watch what I eat. Learn to count carbs (carbs turns to sugar), don't eat ANYTHING with ADDED sugar. A piece of fruit as a snack food is not a bad thing. No pop will be the hardest thing, but once I get used to that, I know I'll be ok. Eliminating pizza and fast food to help the diet. Cook instead of ordering or going out (all ready been doing that in our ridiculously small kitchen), portion sizes and exercise! I know I can do it. That's not the problem. It's still going to be hard, but I have to do this! I have a wonderful woman to marry and I see no reason to die young because of stupidity!

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